Wonthaggi Primary School’s historic buildings are set in extensive grounds with three main buildings, our art room, canteen and pool, linked by undercover walkways. Located close to the centre of town, the school is nestled amongst the well-established gardens which are partly maintained and contributed by students as well as very large and well-maintained playing and sporting areas.
The main building, constructed in 1911, was one of the first brick buildings in the town and now houses the office, staff room and the Foundation and 1/2 classrooms.
The wooden quadrangle hosts the 2C class and 3/4 classrooms. A large resource space and a room for visiting specialists. Our Mod5 Building positioned next to our wooden quadrangle hosts Music and Science as well as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Theircare use the small portable near the Art Room for our Outside of School Hours Care (OSH club). Breakfast Club also utilises this space and is held on Mondays and Fridays at 8:15am.
Our Grade 5/6 students share the SLC (Senior Learning Centre) with the chapter and picture book libraries.